Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The World The Way the Migrant Worker Is Aligned With the Theme Park Essay

The World The Way the Migrant Worker Is Aligned With the Theme Park Employee - Essay Example In the movie, one limitation of Chinese modernization is shown in the problem of language barrier. In one scene, Tao could not speak Russian in the same way that Anna could not speak Chinese, and no matter how much they seemed to understand each other’s emotions, it was not enough. The only thing that they could afford to say was each other’s names and apart from that, they could not say any other word in the other person’s language. When they met in the bathroom, when Anna asked Tao, â€Å"How are you? Why are you looking at me like that?† somehow both knew that it was because Anna became a prostitute. Moreover, Tao and Anna simply cried with Tao not even realizing that what Anna meant that time was that she has resigned herself to becoming a prostitute. On the other hand, Tao seemed clueless why such a thing happened. Perhaps too, she was crying out of confusion, because she could not clearly understand why Anna had to become a prostitute. The language b arrier between Anna and Tao is somehow reflective of the rather limited context of Chinese modernization. China is modernized but not in terms of language, perhaps in order to prevent communication of important issues between people like Tao and Anna, while at the same time perhaps because China discriminates against foreigners like Anna. However, Anna sees the positive side of this when she told Tao, â€Å"We do not speak the same language but we are friends. You are the only friend I have here.† Nevertheless, although friendship abounds between two people of different languages, it is still obviously extremely difficult for each one of them to express their true sentiments to each other, considering that both may think the other may not totally understand her. In the same scene where Anna had to become a prostitute, it also illustrates the exploitation of both the migrant worker and the theme park employee.  In a scene, before both women met in the bathroom, a Chinese man in coat and tie approached Tao just along the hallway at the bar.     

Monday, October 28, 2019

Microeconomics Samuelson Essay Example for Free

Microeconomics Samuelson Essay Explain how the cool head might provide the essential positive economic analysis to implement the normative value judgments of the warm heart. Do you agree with Marshall’s view of the role of the teacher? Do you accept his challenge? In order to achieve the ultimate goal of economic science which is to â€Å"improve the living conditions of people in their everyday lives† (*) a cool head attitude has the knowledge and wisdom acquired through a lifetime relation to the economic momentum. Balancing this with a warm heart compassion vision, and a willingness to improve society, is the most appropriate way to use certain economic models in order to acquire economic sustainability with social improvement. We agree with Marshall’s view which was conceived through a social corporate responsibility. We, as leaders, accept his challenge through developing projects which should be not only profitable but also socially accepted and with respect to the environment. Also, we should use our cool heads to objectively take challenges and make difficult decisions that will lead us to a prosperous society with a sustainable economic growth. Some scientists believe that we are rapidly depleting our natural resources. Assume that there have only two inputs (labor and natural resources) producing two goods (concerts and gasoline) with no improvements in society’s technology over time. A. Show what would happen to the PPF over time as natural resources are exhausted. B. How would invention and technological improvement modify your answer? On the basis of this example, explain why it is said that â€Å"economic growth is a race between depletion and invention. It is said that economic growth is a race between depletion and invention because the continuous use of the natural resources of a country will tend to deplete them, over a long period of time but in the contrary, the invention of new technologies can extend a country PPF – making a race between them, since both things usually happens at the same time. Chapter 2 1. Question 1 . What determines the composition of national output? In some cases, we say th at there is â€Å"consumer sovereignty† meaning that consumers decide how to spend their income on the basis of taste and market prices. In other cases, decisions are made by political choices of legislatures. Consider the following examples: transportation, education, police, energy efficiency of appliances, health-care coverage, television advertising. For each, describe whether the allocation is by consumer sovereignty or by political decision. Would you change the method of allocation for any of these goods? National Output includes the total amount of goods and services that a country is capable to produce in a certain period of time. It is also known as the country? A country has the responsibility to decide what outputs to produce and in what quantity, how to produce them and for whom should they be produced. In a market society, the national output is influenced by consumer tastes and the resources and technology available in the country. On the other hand, governments may intervene to compensate for market failures that usually occurs inside a country, or to fund social programs. Here there are some examples that show mixed economies between consumer sovereignty and government interventions. Generally speaking transportation means are controlled by the private sector through companies that provide transportation services such as airlines, company taxis, trains, etc. Inside a country, there also exists public transportation for those people who can not afford the private one. In Peru, specially for the ground transportation, the government plays a fundamental role regulating tariffs, taxes and making sure we have a safe an organized transportation system in the country for the society. Education In a country generally exists public and private education. Usually, private schools tend to have a higher price but also delivering high quality and it is market driven. There are different private schools with different prices in the market. On the other hand, public education is provided by the government to lower socio economic levels in order to make education accessible to the whole population. Government applies procedures in order to maximize its quality. In Peru for example the government is trying to break the poverty cycle incentivizing the rural population to attend school through monetary allowances. There are also regulations in terms of the requirements asked for being a public teacher, the education syllabus of the country, etc. Police Police is a government regulated service to the population which is part of the arm forces of a country. Its function is to assure security to the population. However, in some countries where there is scarce resources allocated to this public entity, private police petrol are created. In Peru even in rural areas where police is not present, communities organize themselves to fight against crime. Energy efficiency of appliances Energy is a strategic scarce resource for a country. Therefore, the importance of having government regulations to control it, its tariffs while having private companies supplying the service in order to assure this service on the long term to the community. Health care coverage Health care is a private and public good also. Government provides health care services to the majority of the population by building public hospitals and providing insurance coverage programs. Usually private health care provides a higher quality service and is accessible to higher socio-economic levels of the population. Television advertising It is a consumer sovereignty good, driven basically by program ratings and market price. Usually, the government owns public television channels but even in those cases the advertising is not controlled. What government usually does is to control advertising of some products such as cigars, or the time and programs where you can advertise such products. Would you change the method of allocation for any of these goods? We would not change the method of allocation for any of the goods mentioned above. We think that in the examples mentioned, a mixed economy of public and private goods is the best to make services accessible to the whole population while having a market driven economy. However, if we customized this question to the Peruvian reality, we think that an example where government could intervene more is the banking regulations entity which should improve the credit policies in order to create a sustainable finance growth. 2. Question 3. This chapter discusses many â€Å"market failures† areas in which the invisible hand guides the economy poorly, and describes the role of government. It is possible that there are, as well, â€Å"government failures† government attempts to curb market failures that are worse than the original market failures? Think of some examples of government failures. Give some examples in which government failures are so bad that it is better to live with the market failures than to try and correct them. A possible failure can be represented by a tax system that discourages private and foreign investments in the country that at the end will affect government’s income. Another example is a bad monetary policy in which inorganic emission of currency will impact over inflation rate dramatically, affecting purchasing power of nationals (Peru 1985) . During this time Peru suffered more than 7000% inflation generating scarcity of basic goods and creating a parallel black market. During this time, another bad example would be that the banking system was nationalized and generated a lack of confidence in the population towards the banking system, loosing a high percentage of the savings of the population decreasing the country’s investment.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Wackenhut SS :: Personal Narrative Writing

Wackenhut SS It was a warm spring day. I turned down the radio as I drove across the bridge at Hoover dam, water and cement connected the state line separating Arizona from Nevada. Crossing the dam then past the tourist information center reached two huge stone angel monuments with arms and wings stretched toward the sky. The sight of them invoked religious desperation from me as if a I was lacking from divine intervention. Parked on either side of the two towering angels sat two highway patrol cars. One on each side of the statues like vultures ordered by the sherif of Nottingham to victimize taxpayers. I felt desperate and uneasy as I stared into the troopers eyes as I passed by and they stared back. I am not paranoid but that doesn't mean they are not after me. Everyone is a suspect and victim for harassment and possible revenue. My sense of privacy dissolved with the irreverent mix. Psychically connected and hoping to break the troopers attention, I turned up Black Sabbath on the radio and sa ng along. "They tell you black is really white, the moon is just the sun at night and when you walk through golden halls, you get to keep the gold that falls, it's heaven and hell." The patrol cars stay put as I wind up the mountain road out of sight. I keep the heavy metal tunes blaring to give me that extra boost of primal fire that leads one to believe that enough vrihl energy omnisciently moves away adversaries. My attention shot through their hollow headslike a laser out of the screaming skulls of hell. Aggressive aesthetic attention, makes things move quicker with a lottery of victims. I drop my vigil as I drive through Henderson Nevada. From the clouds, mountains and small skyscrapers, the twilight cast a weird silhouette around the city. I felt safe, as if the ratio of civilians had the police outnumbered. I turn off the radio to sense the silence that Lake Mead evoked in the sunset. Winding up the highway, the sky pulled like a magnet, my hair stood on end, the roof of the car like static electricity. I head north-west towards Vegas into the orange twilight. I light a joint and savor the powerful ringing in my ears as I focus my attention on the electric silence, invisibly driving me into Las Vegas.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Concept of Justice

Socrates and Aristotle both have contrasting views of the concept of justice which serves to influence their notions of an ideal constitution. The abstract, speculative ideas of Socrates will be compared and contrasted with the practical, sensory ones of Aristotle in matters concerning justice and politics. Both Aristotle and Socrates disagree with regards to the definition of justice and what qualities are attributed to a just person. According to Aristotle, a just person must follow the law and refrain from greed. In the opinion of Socrates, greed consists of taking more than what is required to survive. He stresses the importance of prudence and temperance in the lives of a just person. Aristotle, however, states that a greedy person is someone who does not understand the difference between taking what is good and what is not good. A wealthy person can also be just. Aristotle provides two different types of justice which he labels distributive and rectifactory justice. Distributive justice is concerned with the distribution of money, honour, and other resources amongst those who have a share in public organization. Equality is of the greatest importance when distributing goods. Rectifactory justice concerns transactions between individuals in which both parties mutually exchange goods or services. Through both of these means Aristotle seeks to provide justice in the written law of his polis which is devoted to the advantage of all. However, Socrates views justice as the harmonious parts of the person or of a city. A just man, therefore, is in just the right place and doing his best to perform his function. He claims that the function of a human being is deliberation, ruling, living, and taking care of things. The ideas of Aristotle differ greatly from this perspective. He states that the human function is to perform activities that express reason. Socrates views his ideal city in which every person performs his or her function. His views pertain to the community in which a person lives while Aristotle’s views are more individualistic as someone who expresses reason in his logic can do so without other people or his community. In the Republic, Socrates attempts to illustrate his views with the parable of the ship. The unjust city is like an open ocean crewed by a powerful but drunken captain (representing the ignorant common people), a group of untrustworthy advisors (politicians), and a navigator (the philosopher). The only way the ship will reach its destination, the good, is if the navigator takes charge. Philosophers, who are lovers of wisdom, should rule because they understand what is good and just. It is also the opinion of Socrates that people who have been the victims of injustice are more likely to become unjust themselves. He disagrees with the notion that returning debts owed, helping friends, and harming enemies are not suitable reasons for doing injustice: â€Å"So if someone tells us it is just to give to each what he is owed and understands by this that a just man should harm his enemies and benefit his friends, the one who says it is not wise. I mean, what he says is not true. For it has become clear to us that it is never just to harm anyone† (Plato, Republic, 335e). A wise person would understand that it is not beneficial to his soul to do injustice only to his enemies. A wise person, according to Socrates would never harm anyone. He maintains that a kind just ruler judges what is best for his people and holds their interests in greater esteem than his friends or family: â€Å"†¦ No one in any position of rule†¦ considers or enjoins what is advantageous for himself, but what is advantageous for his subjects† (Plato, Republic, 342e). A ruler who performs acts of injustice is, by nature, more prone to corruption and tyranny. In this way he gives increased support to his argument concerning philosophers as rulers of the polis. Socrates and Aristotle also differ in their opinions as to which form of government is best to rule the polis. Socrates defends the notion that the city would best be governed by the philosopher-kings; a group of people who had endured rigorous mental and physical training for the majority of their lives. They would govern together as a group or an oligarchy. Aristotle recognizes the fact that it is possible for an oligarchy to degenerate into a tyranny, which is the worst possible state. He recommends the formation of a polity or a democracy as the lesser of two evils. Socrates draws a fine line between ignorance and wisdom. It is, in fact, recognizing what one does not know from what one knows. Therefore, if one cannot recognize the virtue of justice, one must be said to be ignorant: â€Å"†¦ if justice is indeed wisdom and virtue, it will be easy to show, I suppose, that it is stronger than injustice, since injustice is ignorance† (Plato, Republic, 351a). Wisdom is undoubtedly the more esteemed when compared with ignorance and consequently justice must be better esteemed than injustice. However, Socrates is confronted with arguments in favour of injustice. He attempts to defend justice as being more profitable than injustice: â€Å"†¦ that to do injustice is naturally good and to suffer injustice bad†¦ The best is to do injustice without paying the penalty; the worst is to suffer it without taking revenge† (Plato, Republic, 358e). In other words, it is acceptable and encouraged for someone to perform acts of injustice as long as he is not found out and does not suffer the consequences. If however, an act of injustice is carried out against someone, it is the duty of the victim to take revenge on him. Socrates points out that this course of action leads only to unimportant material gain. Thrasymachus claims that committing acts of injustice without being caught is more profitable to one’s reputation and would allow one to achieve more. Socrates acknowledges that although a person engaging in injustice will most likely become wealthy in physical attributes, he lacks the fundamental virtues and characteristics of a good man. The virtue of something is the state or property that makes it good. For instance, the virtue of a man may include his intelligence, courage, or sense of justice. Justice, in this case, is a moral behaviour which is said to belong to virtuous people. Therefore, justice itself is a virtue. Thrasymachus’ argument has no merit because a man who strives to achieve more by acquiring material wealth through committing acts of injustice lacks the more esteemed virtues of wisdom and justice. It is also the opinion of Socrates that just people are happier and live better lives than unjust ones. He is, of course, talking about the happiness of the soul rather than its shell, the body. Much as the virtue of the eyes is to see and the virtue of the ears to hear, the virtue of the soul is justice: â€Å"†¦ ustice is a soul’s virtue and justice its vice† (Plato, Republic, 353e). It is more profitable for a person to be just than unjust, as he will be giving his soul its virtue and therefore living a happy life. Better is the poor man with a good just soul than the rich man who has made his wealth through vice with a tainted soul. However, it must be pointed out that although Socrates claims that justice leads to happiness, he deprives the rulers of his city of happiness, though they are supposed to be trained in justice and wisdom. As Aristotle states: â€Å"†¦ ven though Socrates deprives the guardians of their happiness, he says that the legislator should make the whole city-state happy. But it is impossible for the whole to be happy unless all, most, are some of its parts are happy† (Aristotle, Politics, 1264b). Socrates thought it was crucial that the guardians were not given the sort of happiness which would no longer make them guardians. For a potter who is given jewels and riches no longer practices the art of pottery and so is no longer considered a potter. Likewise, a guardian must not be given wealth or earthly comforts but remain content with his role. Aristotle argues that even if the guardian class is not happy, it is impossible for the craftsmen, farmers, and lower classes to be happy. Without happiness, there is no justice. Socrates also claims that just people are able to work together in order to achieve a common goal. He maintains that just people working together are able to get along without doing injustice amongst themselves: â€Å"†¦ just people are wiser and better and more capable of acting, while unjust ones are not even able to act together† (Plato, Republic, 352c). Injustice causes factions, hatreds, and quarrels among people and friends. A band of robbers with a common unjust purpose would not be able to achieve it if they are unjust amongst themselves. Injustice provides conditions in which it is impossible for people to work together. Therefore, injustice prevents the different parts of the soul from working together toward a common goal. In the case of friendship and justice, Socrates and Aristotle seem to be in mutual accord. Aristotle believes friendship and comradeship to be one of the key components of leading a good life. He viewed justice as the equitability or fairness in interpersonal relations. Virtuous habits can be acquired within a moral community which ultimately leads to a virtuous and moral life. Socrates believes that the nature of the state is analogous with the nature of the individual and the nature of the soul. The soul comprises of three key principles which he calls reason, appetite, and spirit. Justice in the individual is harmony among the principles of the soul achieved by rationality and reason. He believes that the guardians have achieved harmony within their souls and so must be considered just. Since the faculties of an individual correspond on a smaller scale to that of the state, justice must also exist in the individual. Socrates believes in unity, as expressed by his confidence in the ability of just people to work together and of the family structure in the Republic. Women and children are to be shared communally by the guardians. No one woman, child, or possession is to belong to one man but rather to be shared by the whole. The well-being of the polis is placed before the well-being of an individual. Aristotle agrees that unity needs to be present to a certain extent within a city but alleges that a man who can call something his own takes more pride in it. He loves a son he can call his own more than a boy who is a son of every man. He also takes more pride in his work when he knows that what he is producing will benefit himself and his family. Socrates claims that temperance is the path to happiness and virtue and a person should only own what he needs to live temperately. Aristotle disagrees with this notion and states that it is possible to live temperately and wretchedly; the lack of property does not necessarily lead to a good life. A good person can be good even independently of the society. However, a good person is a good citizen and a good citizen can exist only as a part of the social structure. In this way, the state is, in a sense, prior to the citizen. It is evident Socrates and Aristotle share the common belief that justice is undoubtedly more beneficial than injustice. However, their definitions of justice vary greatly. The main and most crucial difference between the perspectives of Aristotle and Socrates is their view of friendship and unity. Aristotle believes that the virtue of justice encompasses all other virtues because it treats the interactions between people rather than just the dispositions of the individual. Socrates believes that the virtue of justice is first and foremost beneficial to one’s soul. Despite their contrasting views, both Aristotle and Socrates believe that justice is one of the highest and most sought after virtues. If one is to have a good life, one must be just.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Aloe Vera Extract Aloe barbadensis

In addition, vitamin A regulates the production of retention acid, a metabolite of retinal which is needed for hair Rexroth. Carrot is an excellent source of antioxidants which help counteract the damaging effects of free radicals that cause hair loss and hair thinning problems. Lime Fruit The first fruit that comes to our minds when it comes to medicinal uses is perhaps the good old lime. This sour citrus fruit can do what many specialist medicines cannot. Lime, bearing the scientific name Citrus Urination, is being used for ages for treatment of various ailments.Lime is consumed throughout the world in sorbets, beverages, refreshing drinks, pickles, Jams, Jellies, snacks, candies, sugar boiled confectioneries and culinary and the oil extracted from its peel or skin is extensively used in soft drink concentrates, body oils, cosmetics, hair oils, tooth pastes, toilet and beauty soaps, disinfectants, mouth washes, deodorants and innumerable other products. There are many varieties of lime found all over the world, particularly in the tropical and the Mediterranean climates.Lime has been used in food preparation and in other non – cooking purposes because of its flavor and tangy odor. When mixed with albumen and aloe Vera, the scent could neutralize the foul odor of the egg albumen and aloe Vera. Albumen (Egg White) The other sub-ingredient of this project is Albumen also known as egg white, is about two-thirds of the total egg's weight out of its shell with nearly 90% of that weight coming from water. The remaining weight of the egg white comes from protein, trace minerals, fatty material, vitamins, and glucose. Egg white has no dietary cholesterol.Egg white or albumen has been used in the formulation of skincare cosmetics due to its soothing effects on the skin. Pharmaceutical companies also use albumen as one of its ingredients in the manufacture of some drugs. Except for its odor, according to old folks, egg whites have been utilized as hair stiffness in hairstyling synthetic or commercial hair sprays are not yet extensively distributed in the market. Beauty products abound in the market and based on surveys, hairstyling products constitute one of the beauty products frequently bought by consumers.Hairstyling sprays, for one, are used not only by teen aged boys and girls alike but of all ages. These hairsprays, usually from synthetic materials, tend to remove the keratin of the hair. As such, the hair loses its natural shine and becomes brittle due to long usage. Continuous application has been known to damage the hair. Extract from carrot root crops on the other hand when applied to the hair produced a known color. If it will be mixed with a stiffener it could be a potential hairstyling spray with a brownish dye.With the great emphasis on personal grooming and personal looks being advertised these days without regard to the negative effects of synthetically manufactured beauty products, the researchers thought of using extract o f carrot root crops with aloe Vera extract, lime Juice and albumen as hairstyling spray, hair retirement at the same time as hair dye to serve as alternative to commercial hairstyling sprays. General Objectives 1. To find out the holding capacity of carrot root crops, aloe Vera extract, lime Juice extracts, albumen mixture as hairstyling spray to different types of hairs. . To assess the sheen produced by Aloe Vera Caroline Hairstyling Spray and Hair Treatment. 3. To evaluate the scent of the Aloe Vera Caroline Hairstyling Spray and Hair Treatment. Spray and Hair 4. To evaluate the effectiveness of Aloe Vera Caroline Hairstyling Treatment as an alternative treatment for dry and dull hair 5. Commercial hairstyling spray. Hairstyling sprays are readily available in the market and are frequently used without regard of the consequences and side effects it can have on the hair such as stiffness, dry and dull among others.At times, a combination of these commercially produced hairstyling products are applied on the hair to achieve a certain kind of look unmindful of the damage it can do to the hair. Hairstyling sprays from organic and herbal plants are not only economical but also environmentally friendly. The used of organic hairstyling spray and hair treatment as well will not only decrease health hazards experience by people using hairstyling prays but also cut the costs spent for these materials.Scope and Limitations Two hundred grams of fresh medium size carrot crops and 1 chicken egg bought from the market, five hundred grams of aloe Vera plant and 3 pieces of randomly picked lime fruit from the researcher's backyard were used in the study. The Juice of the carrot crops, aloe Vera plant and lime were extracted and mixed with the egg albumen. The respondents were the pupils of Pascal's Elementary School. The experiment was conducted last September 2012 at Pascal's Elementary School with the supervision of the science teacher. A school nurse from Algae M.Pascal' s Memorial National High School and some faculty members and the school head were also present during the conduct of the experiment. The variables tested were holding capacity on any types and condition of hair, sheen, scent, as hair treatment and also cost of the hairstyling spray. Other parameters relative to the study were not included. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Aloe Vera Most of us are not aware of the fact, that aloe Vera is a miraculous plant that contains many nutrients including amino acids, minerals, enzymes, vitamins, saccharine, login.The similarity is so evident, that no other plant matches the human body's biochemistry this closely. Aloe Vera has positive effects not only the skin, but it has also proved to be beneficial to hair. It helps heal the scalp and balances the pH levels as it cleans the pores. Aloe Vera is a natural hair conditioner and you can very well replace aloe Vera for the chemical laden conditioner, which you are currently using. Aloe Vera is one of the main ingredients in a number of aloe hair shampoo and conditioners, which are available in the market.It actually contains all the ingredients required for cleaning ND conditioning in the hair. When aloe Vera is used for an extended period of time, it makes the hair healthy and dense. Aloe Vera is a succulent perennial plant belonging to the lily family. It grows wild in Madagascar and large portions of the African continent. Because of its many countries in the Caribbean and Mediterranean. Many individuals also grow aloe Vera as a house plant. Aloe Vera gel is used to treat minor surface irritations, to reduce even has a reputation as a beauty aid.Various research studies are underway to explore the potential of aloe Vera components to boost immunity and combat HIVE iris, and to treat certain types of cancer (particularly leukemia). Let may even have a role to play in managing diabetes. Carrot Crops Carrot has a thick, fleshy, deeply colored root, which grows underground, and feathery green leaves that emerge above ground. It belongs to the Unbeliever family along with parsnips, fennel caraway, cumin and dill which all have the umbrella – like flower clusters that characterize this of plants.Carrots are biennial plants cultivated popularly as table vegetable. It is native to Eurasia and North Temperate Zone. During the first season of its growth, it forms a rosette of finely vided leaves and stores a surplus of food in its root, which then becomes large and fleshy. Roots are the edible parts and they vary from globular to long and tapering. The roots contain a volatile oil and fixed oil, leaves and seeds contain alkaloids and the seeds contain a bitter colloidal which is found to have soothing effects on the intestinal walls.It contains proteins, magnesium and potassium. Carotene, the orange coloring matter of the root is a good source of pro – vitamin A. Carrots was introduced in the Philippines where it grew abundantly especially in the h igher altitudes of the region like Bungee. Hence, carrots are common vegetable product of the province and one of the leading farm products of the region. Eight. Eggs are protein. So you use it in your hair for strengthening it up. The protein helps prevent breaking of the hair. It's good you used a moisturizing shampoo afterwards.Protein strengthens so you always want to use something to soften to soften it up. Blaming is the main protein found in white egg, making up 60-65% of the total protein. Blaming displays sequence and three-dimensional homology to the serpents superficial, but unlike most serpents it is not a serine protease inhibitor. The function of blaming is unknown, although it is presumed to be a storage protein. Egg white is the common name for the clear liquid (also called albumen or the glarier/ glarier) contained within the egg.It is formed from the layers of secretions of the anterior section of the hen's oviduct during the passage of the egg. It forms around eit her fertilize or unfertile egg. It consists mainly of about 15% proteins dissolved in water. Its primary natural purpose is to protect the egg yolk and provide additional nutrition for the growth of the embryo, as it rich in proteins in also of high nutritional value. Unlike the egg yolk, it contains a negligible amount of fat. Cooks have many culinary and non-culinary uses for egg whites. Mousse for example.Egg white also is a viscous 10% solution of proteins and peptides and minerals in water. These proteins are highly nutritive for humans by their amino acids composition, which have been noted several decades ago. In addition, the egg albumen has unique functional properties and food systems, such as stabile foam production. Later it has been noticed that the components of the albumen possess micro-biocide's and other new functional properties. Albumen is a water soluble rotten that coagulates when heated and found in plasma and egg whites.Albumen has been used to soothe irritate d skin or skin rashes. Lime is a citrus fruit belonging to the Rue family (Reeducate). Its fruits like other acids and has a tangy flavor. The fruit Juice is tonic, rejuvenating and refresher. It is native to Southeastern Asia and has been cultivated for thousands of years. In the Philippines, lime is commonly known as adapt and is commonly planted throughout the country in the settled areas for its fruit. It makes a very pleasant aide and is extensively used for flavoring food and for drinks.A native of the Indo- Malay region, it is now cultivated in all warm regions of the world. Dependent Variable Acceptable holding capacity on the different types of hair, sheen, scent and hair treatment compared to the commercial hair spray Independent Variable Aloe Vera, Carrot Root Crops, Lime Fruit and Egg White Extract Controlled Commercial Hair Spray (Michaels Hair Spray) This chapter presents the methodology and the procedures which were employed by the researchers.It includes the locale o f the study, research design, experimental lay-out and the statistical measures which were utilized in the conduct of the study. Locale and population of the study This research was conducted at Pascal's Elementary School Home Economics Room; Buy, Duding, Tuition, Bungee. The experiment variables were 10 pairs of respondents comprised of 1 male and 1 female per pair with different types and 2 pairs of respondents comprised of 1 male and 1 female per pair suffering from dull and dry hair.Research Design Experiment was performed using the completely randomized design (CRUD). The two hundred grams of carrot root crops and one chicken egg were randomly handpicked from the market while the lime fruit and aloe Vera plant was randomly nitpicked from garden of the school. Materials To determine the effect of carrot root crop, aloe Vera extract, lime Juice extracts and albumen mixture as hairstyling sprays at the same time as hair treatment, the following laboratory materials were used by th e researchers during the conduct of the experiment.Five 250 ml beakers, one sterile, four – inch kitchen knife, one plastic strainer, five pieces filter papers, one grater, one graduated cylinder, twelve test tubes, electric blender and five spray bottles. Other materials used include carrot root crops, aloe Vera plants, lime fruit, albumen and 10% zone. Procedure A. Collection of Aloe Vera, Carrot Root Crops, Lime Fruit and Egg Two hundred grams of carrot root crops and 1 egg were randomly handpicked from the market while lime fruit and aloe Vera plant was randomly handpicked from the backyard of the school.B. Cleaning, Disinfection of Aloe Vera Plant, Carrot Root Crops, Lime Fruit and Egg 1 . Five hundred grams of aloe Vera plant were placed in a small pan and soaked in water with 10 ml 10% zone solution for 1 minute. 2. Two hundred grams of carrot root crops and 1 egg were randomly handpicked were placed in a 12 inch in diameter plastic plate and soaked in water with 5 ml 10% moron solution for 1 minute. Afterwards, it was sieved and air dried under the shade. 3.Two pieces lime fruit randomly handpicked was taken and placed in a saucer washed with soap and water, and soaked in water with 5 ml 10% zone solution in a minute. Afterwards, it was sieved and air dried under shade. C. Extraction of Aloe Vera Plant, Carrot Root Crop, and Lime Fruit Juice strainer to separate the unneeded parts. The strained extract was blended in an electric blender so that it will be filled with air and become finer.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Interview with a Vietnam War Veteran essays

Interview with a Vietnam War Veteran essays This interview was conducted though the internet on October 8 2002. Chuck Burns offered to share his Vietnam thoughts and experiences with us. In 1966 I dropped college and joined the Marines under threat of the draft. I wasnt sure what I was doing, but some of my buddies were going, so who was I to stay behind. Never thought of running - conservative family roots, my country, my family, my life. Run to what, run to where? I had no opinion. My country was fighting communism in a far off land. Better there than here. I knew nothing about a place called Nam. USA should have been involved with a different strategy, a better leadership, and greater support from the citizens. My training consisted of two months of orientation in a branch, (boot camp), two months of basic infantry training and 1 month of staging. I arrived at Da Nang, on a C-130 as a replacement grunt, and summarily I was assigned to a line outfit in Chu Lai. I found the country beautiful, rainy and green. In contrast the economy was inexistent at best. It was like shock treatment to what I knew. Muddy roads, trails, and villagers in pajamas. I remember when I was first taken to a battalion area. The truck passed through villages with women and kids standing on mud and waving a couple of feet away from us. My most vivid memories are those of combat and the images of combat from both sides. Most notably my brothers in arms. The chaos of the moment. Other than that, the personalities involved were varied and memorable. From the black brother from Chicago, to the hillbilly from Georgia. We all came together and knew each other. Very well. There were sailors, marines, soldiers and air men. Not to mention chopper pilots and jet pilots, medics and corpsmen. I was a Marine. Life was unbearable at first. A camping trip with no tent or warm coco. Enjoyment, was eating out of cans, sleeping and reading mail from home. No head, no clean water, no trails, an ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Realistic Fake Blood

Realistic Fake Blood If you want a realistic fake blood, youre going to have to do better than dyed water! Heres a recipe for a realistic fake blood that pools like the real deal and has a better blood color. Its sticky and will stain (like real blood), so use it on washable surfaces or those you dont mind getting all bloody. The blood is edible, so you can drink it if you like. 2 tablespoons white corn syrup6 drops red food coloring1 drop blue or green food coloring2 teaspoons cocoa powder If you use cocoa mix, like for hot chocolate, youll get a paler blood that may require some water to dissolve the sugar. Unsweetened cocoa produces a better blood for most purposes. Make It Disgusting You can sprinkle in some dried onion if you want the blood to look like it contains bits of scabs and fingernails. Other kitchen seasonings add interest, too, or consider adding potato peels. You can splatter the blood either by flicking it on a paintbrush or off of a fork.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

When it’s okay to say no to a promotion

When it’s okay to say no to a promotion We all know that promotions are wonderful and momentous occasions on our individual career journeys- but are they always the right move for us? The answer might not be as clear cut as you think. Sure, promotions typically come with new challenges and opportunities (and usually more prestige and a bigger paycheck), and bring you one step further up the ladder to professional success, but the truth is, there’s a time and place for everything- including promotions. Depending on the situation, an opportunity for a promotion may arise at an inopportune time or under less-than-perfect circumstances, and it’s okay if you’re not sure if it’s the right move for you or if you’d like to turn it down.Yes, this may sound counterintuitive to everything you’ve been taught about getting ahead and moving forward, but the wrong move can actually have the reverse effect- and lead you in the wrong direction career-wise or make you feel less professionally satisf ied and fulfilled than you were before you accepted the offer.Still skeptical? Consider the following scenarios, which for many may reflect situations in which it might be wise to say no to a promotion.The â€Å"Second Job† PromotionSometimes, getting a promotion isn’t as much about shifting to a new job as it is about piling a bunch of new responsibilities on top of your current job- and chances are you aren’t going to earn two full salaries to reflect the fact that you’re about to be doing two jobs. This scenario is likely more of a â€Å"road to burnout† than a recipe for happiness, and you may be setting yourself up for failure if you can’t shoulder the weight of all your newfound job tasks in addition to the ones you presently handle. If you’ve been offered a promotion and have the sneaking suspicion that it may fall into this category, you may want to think twice before quickly accepting- the truth is, many folks who do just thi s find themselves in a much less enjoyable position than they were in before, so consider yourself warned.The â€Å"Off Track† PromotionAfter being in the job market for a while and getting to know the ins and outs of the industry we’ve chosen to work in, most of us have a pretty good idea of how we’d like our career paths to unfold- including the steps up the career ladder that promotions provide us. But what should you do if you’re offered a promotion that could take you off-track? This type of promotion happens more often than you think, and it typically means weighing a set of pros and cons as you work towards making a decision.A step up the career ladder might mean more prestige, responsibility, and pay, but it also might set you on a different professional trajectory. Are you okay with that? Some folks who accept such a promotion unfortunately find out that their new gains come attached with losses in job satisfaction and struggles to get back onto their original career paths. When deciding whether or not to accept an â€Å"off track† promotion, be careful of blindly chasing short-term gains at the expense of long-term setbacks. If a step up isn’t right for you in the long run, then turning down a promotion may be a wise move.The Unbalanced PromotionWhen we dream about our next promotions, we tend to automatically assume that the great new benefits it will bring will clearly outweigh any potential negatives. But what if this isn’t true? If the offer being made comes with a price tag that’s steeper than the rewards being offered (perhaps it requires a relocation or responsibilities that you’re not eager or ready to take on, or maybe the new salary and benefits aren’t quite what you were expecting), it may make sense to pause and think carefully before accepting. Remember, when most employers make an offer they are not averse to negotiating the terms in an effort to make both sides happy . If handled carefully and professionally you might just get what you’re hoping for- and if you don’t, it might make sense to say no.In many instances, an offer of a promotion is a real reason to celebrate- but sometimes it may not be. If you’ve been presented with an offer, resist the urge to quickly- and blindly- accept the offer and instead take some time to take a step back and fully weigh the pros and cons. If the deal isn’t in your best interests, then be bold and negotiate in your best interest. In the end, if the offer just isn’t right for you, it may be the wise thing to say no to a promotion and continue to do your current job to the best of your abilities until a better offer comes along.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Small movie theater-Industry analysis-Competitive analysis-SWOT Research Paper

Small movie theater-Industry analysis-Competitive analysis-SWOT analysis - Research Paper Example concerned to incur expenses differencing their products and services from those of their competitors as well as keeping their prices low in order to attract customers. This will eventually lead to a decrease in the amount of revenue that these businesses fetch. Their profit margins will also be lower. The existing movie theatre industries are likely to benefit from an increase in the barriers to entry. This means that new players to the industry will find it very difficult to enter the market place. Given the analysis, it is very clear that the idea of New Vision Movie Theatre is likely to fail. Being a new player in the market place and given the expected increase in the barriers to entry, it will be very challenging for it to survive. Losses are likely to be incurred as the research industry averages for profitability are very low for a new player in the market place. Growth risk is expected to be medium over the outlook period. It is predicted that the annual industry income is likely to increase by 1.3%. This predicted rise in the growth risk is very minimal and it will be extremely challenging for new players in the market place to keep up with it. The sensitivity risk on the other hand is expected to be low as compared to the previous year in which it was medium. It is expected that the per capita disposable income rise will decrease in the coming year (IBISWorld, 2015). This means that a small movie theatre industry would be a great business idea that is likely to flourish given this kind of prediction. This is because people will be in a position to spend more on leisure activities like going to watch movies in the movie theaters. The risk factor of external competition is however expected to remain constant. This shows that people will still prefer to view movies at their homes using the available entertainment products such as cables, sat ellite television and online streaming platforms. People would prefer to watch movies at the comfort of their homes

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Presidency and the Constitution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Presidency and the Constitution - Assignment Example One of the few countries which have a two-party system that have the opportunity to control the government in the United States of America. Republicans were started in 1790 by the federalists and on the other hand, we have the Democrats. The two parties are the major political competing forces in America, the two parties have different ideological differences and thus all the partisan use  possible means to attract the attention of the residents and influence them so that they can get a chance to win the presidency as well as gubernatorial and Senate posts. The president has constitutional, institutional and political powers. The president powers are in the constitution under Article II of the constitution which starts by declaring the president as the chief executive. The constitution defines how the president should be chosen and all the powers are listed and thus the president is elected by the people for the purpose of powerful presidency and independence. In section 2 and 3 of united states of America constitution, the presidential powers and duties are outlined clearly, for example, the president has the power and duty to nominate judges, make treaties with other countries, nominate other public officials in the government and even grant pardons. When dealing with the constitution it should not be revoked by any member unless some of the amendments are made. The delegated powers given by the constitution should be followed to the letter since violation of the same will lead to a jail term and other stipulated measures. The president is the commander in chief of the National Military and another state National Guard Units, the power is given to the president is stipulated in the constitution and thus the Congress has the power to declare war to other countries which post threats to other nations. For example, in the case of chemical weapons that are manufactured by other countries or mass killings of civilians, the constitution states that through the Co ngress military can be deployed there to deal with the situation.

Financial service-Banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial service-Banking - Essay Example The U.S and European market had enjoyed a lot of freedom thanks to deregulation and privatization in the financial industry. However, this trend was to be detrimental a decade later. According to Anne Khademian the government’s efforts to manage the financial crisis has been monumental (841). She continues to add that the congress made major reforms in the financial industry. First there was the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and the Consumer Protection Act. These acts were aimed at regulating the unregulated financial industry, which had crippled the economy. This was an attempt by the government to reverse the actions of subprime lenders and investors, financial market intermediaries and credit rating agencies. Due to the unregulated nature of the financial and banking industry financial institutions were offering high interest rate mortgages. In sub-prime lending, banks were lending out higher interest rates to their customers without considering the risk of default rates of their customers. The banks were also fast to approve the loans because of the high interest rates charged on the loans. During the financial crisis, at least four million people faced foreclosure due to their inability to pay loans. Consequently the banks were late in receiving their payments and meeting their credit obligations. The government had to step in and bail out the banks in an attempt to end the financial crisis. The U.S treasury and E.U commission pumped in billions of dollars and Euros to the banks in order to save them from liquidity. The government plays an important role when it comes to stabilizing the economy. This is achieved by either lowering or increasing the lending bank rates. In the journal article, the author says, â€Å"the response to the crisis caused by too much debt and interest rates manipulated interest rates too low† (Khademian, 842). During the financial crisis, the government lowered the interests lending rates to

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 34

Case Study Example Plants in Egypt and Trinidad (Atlas and Titan) are worked as joint endeavors with Methanex holding basic interest of 60% and 63.1%, individually. The paper seeks to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the company’s SWOT analysis before the year 2013. In addition, the paper will discuss the key recommendations on how to solve the issues both qualitatively and quantitatively (Methanex, n.d.). Some of the major issues affecting the company include holding a large amount of Assets (PPE) sitting unused due to political instability in Chile and Egypt leading to wastages. Notably, these wastes constitute to close to $1.87 B in initial investment costs that could be put to constructive use. In addition, the company lacks diversification and is completely dependent on the sale of Methanol making it not competitively effective. Besides, the company has not fully taken advantage of economies of scope since almost all of its competitors produce other materials (Methanex, n.d.). Methanol in its pure form cannot be directly used since companies buy from Methanex to produce other materials. The replacement cost of assets are more than the market value of the company (2/3 cost). This implies that if the company goes under, they could not sell assets to cover all the cost. Another major challenge that the company faces is high operational cost (, 2014). In fact, 80% of cash co sts go to purchase of natural gas and energy use costs hence increasing the operational cost (Arslan & Er, 2008). Its greatest contender (MHTL), could conceivably make them bankrupt in Trinidad (where the vast majority of Methanexs yield is produced) The biggest utilization for methanol, formaldehyde, has had terrible attention in the U.S. in view of conceivable negative wellbeing impacts identified with presentation (Leukemia, numerous myeloma, Hodgkins). High purchaser power- methanol expenses represent a little divide of what

Application of Organizational Behavior Concepts Research Paper

Application of Organizational Behavior Concepts - Research Paper Example Job enrichment concept refers to the variant ways that an organization applies to enhance its productivity by increasing employee’s job motivation, self-worth, and satisfaction. Regardless of the scope, operations, size, type, and ownership, of an organization, the adoption of the job enrichment concept fosters employee production and worker motivation. However, many organizations do not apply job enrichment concept in their management and hence the employees are constantly dissatisfied thus leading to employee turnover. Indeed, very few organizations have the ability to attract and retain trained and qualified employees. This leads to significant monetary loses and affects employee morale, customer relationships, the effectiveness of other employees, and leads to job injuries and theft. In fact, high employee turnover lowers the public trust and the goodwill of an organization. Therefore, it is the prerogative of any human resource manager to reduce employee turnover in a ref erence organization for purposes of reducing accrued losses and low productivity. As such, the Human resource is responsible for compensation and benefits, and advanced opportunities, job satisfaction, and retention of a highly effective workforce.   In conclusion, the paper will propose possible solutions to the issues leading to a higher employee turnover at Healthcare Inc. Identifying the Causes of High Turnover at Healthcare Inc In ascertaining the causes of high employee turnover at Healthcare Inc., one should know that if an organization has lost more than 20% of the staff within five years, then that qualifies to be high turnover. One should then observe on where improvements are necessary for the workforce, and conduct interviews on the employee satisfaction. One should consider whether the organization offers a desirable work environment, whether there is appropriate assigning and performance of tasks, whether there is an effective way of communication, whether employees support one another, and whether there are appropriate recruitment and training of employees. Motivational issues, recruitment and employee selection issues, and leadership issues dominate the list of causes of high turnover at Healthcare Inc. (Capko, 2001). Recruitment, Employee Selection Issues and Job Enrichment Concept The employee turnover has a direct correlation with the recruitment and employee selection issues. Recruitment refers to an affirmative process where many candidates apply for the same job while selection involves the discarding of the unqualified candidates (Smith and Lister, 2008). Hence, recruitment precedes selection. The employee selection process involves the hiring of qualified workers for the right job (Collins, 2007). In doing this, the management links the organizational requirements with the skills and qualifications of potential workers. This leads to the quality performance of the employees and low employee turnover. However, where selection happens i n a fraudulent manner, employee turnover is inevitable.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Case study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 34

Case Study Example Plants in Egypt and Trinidad (Atlas and Titan) are worked as joint endeavors with Methanex holding basic interest of 60% and 63.1%, individually. The paper seeks to carry out a comprehensive analysis of the company’s SWOT analysis before the year 2013. In addition, the paper will discuss the key recommendations on how to solve the issues both qualitatively and quantitatively (Methanex, n.d.). Some of the major issues affecting the company include holding a large amount of Assets (PPE) sitting unused due to political instability in Chile and Egypt leading to wastages. Notably, these wastes constitute to close to $1.87 B in initial investment costs that could be put to constructive use. In addition, the company lacks diversification and is completely dependent on the sale of Methanol making it not competitively effective. Besides, the company has not fully taken advantage of economies of scope since almost all of its competitors produce other materials (Methanex, n.d.). Methanol in its pure form cannot be directly used since companies buy from Methanex to produce other materials. The replacement cost of assets are more than the market value of the company (2/3 cost). This implies that if the company goes under, they could not sell assets to cover all the cost. Another major challenge that the company faces is high operational cost (, 2014). In fact, 80% of cash co sts go to purchase of natural gas and energy use costs hence increasing the operational cost (Arslan & Er, 2008). Its greatest contender (MHTL), could conceivably make them bankrupt in Trinidad (where the vast majority of Methanexs yield is produced) The biggest utilization for methanol, formaldehyde, has had terrible attention in the U.S. in view of conceivable negative wellbeing impacts identified with presentation (Leukemia, numerous myeloma, Hodgkins). High purchaser power- methanol expenses represent a little divide of what

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Earthquake preparedness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Earthquake preparedness - Essay Example Near Prince William's Sound the movement in plates had already started. The fault started to slip, resulted in tsunamis. rush under the foot. Huge fissures began to open and close as the shaking continued. In a moment every thing started to come down and collapse. For around 5 minutes the ground shook like anything and than it stopped, leaving every thing ruined and devastated. (1) First moving on the seismic perimeters, the magnitude of this quake was noted to be 8.4 on the RICHTER SCALE. But later the calculation of the movement proved it to be around 9.2, holding it to be the second largest quake after the CHILE earthquake which was recorded to be of 9.5 magnitudes. This quake was the largest in the Northern Hemisphere, largest in the North America. The total area on which it was felt was 1,300,000km2. (The whole of Epicenter: It was 120 km on the east side of the Anchorage, around 90km on the west of Valdez and approximately around 10km east of the College Fiord. (2) Its focal dept comes up to 25km and the movement continued for around 240 seconds or approximately 4 minutes. After the earthquake the tremors and quakes continued for and year at least. There were approximately 52 larger after shocks. The largest quake had a magnitude of 6.7. Around 15 of these shocks occurred on the same day. And these were of around 6.0 and above magnitude. In next few weeks same kind of shocks continued. Other than this there were many small quakes that came in the very same month of the earthquake. Now let's see what the strength of the Earthquake was. According to the different researchers, it was 6 * 10 raised to the power of 25, in ergs. The sudden rise of the Alaskan sea floor caused a tsunami which gave rise to 121 deaths of 132 deaths. The tsunami waves which was rushing at a tremendous seed of 400 miles per hour reached Hawaii Island, than it struck the Crescent City of California where the huge green wood trees which were in the near by sawmill were shoved into the city taking away lives of 10 people. Around 16 people died in California. Sloshing of the water back and forth started to occur in the rivers a water ways. The landslides cau sed huge water waves of around 100 feet above the normal tide levels smashing the harbor walls and destroying it. (3)The sand turned into a liquid state because of the ground liquefaction due to the earthquake. As a effect of the liquefaction avalanches and rockslides occurred. About 75 houses were ruined because of this in the region of Anchorage, Turn again Heights. Property of around $311 million was destroyed most of it occurring in Anchorage area. The Penney's building was one of the strongest buildings that came down. Its panels were five inches thick. When the quake occurred the panels came out and fell into the street below. A woman was killed in this that was driving by. Air traffic controller was also killed when the 68 foot long and heavy control tower of Anchorage came down. Other than this in Anchorage area electricity poles, water lines, gas lines telephone lines were all smashed and

Monday, October 14, 2019

BreadTalk Group Limited Essay Example for Free

BreadTalk Group Limited Essay Bread is one of the most popular staple in the Asian food culture. In the years, BreadTalk has successfully expanded their influence and reputation to 16 countries with more than 500 bakeries all around the world. BreadTalk is known for their see thru kitchen concept which enables their chefs a platform to showcase the skills and capabilities. This also allows interaction between customers and employees. A comprehensive analysis of the business strategy of BreadTalk Group Limited for the Thailand market revealed that its strategic objectives are aligned to the company’s vision and mission statement: Vision Establish BreadTalk as the foremost international, trend-setting lifestyle bakery brand | Mission Leading a new lifestyle culture with new, innovative changes and creative differentiation to craft products with passion and vibrancy | Innovative improvement and design of their products increased awareness of the brand, BreadTalk, complimented with the use of locations with high human traffic are increasing the market share of its bakery arm within the Thailand market. Lessons drawn from the analysis have shown that BreadTalk is consistently seeking improvement and reviewing their strategies to stay abreast. Being in a country with cultural differences in food preferences, working attitudes and lifestyle, BreadTalk’s adaptation and globalization strategies has proven to be effective. Success is reflected in the confident future investment promise and processes in place to overcome their strategic implementation issues. Introduction BreadTalk is aggressively expanding globally and leaves footprints in China, Indonesia and Thailand. With Singapore and China markets dominating the overall revenue for the bakery arm, a review on the business strategy for the Thailand market carried out. Strategies and implementation issues are identified to increase the market share and revenue for BreadTalk Thailand using the rational / formal model. BreadTalk’s company history and background is attached in Appendix A. With a strategic analysis on the external and internal environments using models / theories like PESTEL, Porters’ 5 Forces, analysis of turbulences and internal strategic competitive advantage, useful strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats are identified in this report. Strategic implementation and implementation issues are discussed further. Successful implementations are useful lessons for review. Strategic Analysis External analysis: General environment PESTEL model Political/Legal Thailand has faced various political/government instabilities, such as the Thai coup dà ©tat in 2006, the elections for a new constitution in 2007, a political crisis in 2008, and crackdowns and protests which involved violence from 2009-2010. Although the ruling of the July 2011 elections belonged to the Pheu Thai Party, the political situation was still shaky. There was a conflict between the â€Å"red shirts† (supporters of current ruling Pheu Thai Party) and â€Å"yellow shirts† (oppositions of the Pheu Thai Party), resulting in continuous tensions. All the bloodshed also damaged the economy, sinking the already suffering consumer confidence even more. Besides this matter, Thailands also having issues with its neighboring country, Malaysia. Both countries relationships have soured greatly because of the Pattani separatists’ issue, which involved the struggle of independence by the ethnic Malays in Southern Thailand. These incidents have raised concerns among foreign investors and manufacturers regarding Thailands political stability. Thailand has strict regulations when it comes to working terms and conditions. A proper visa must be applied from a Royal Thai Embassy, with some countries needing to obtain an entry visa, which allows a stay of 15 days upon arrival in Thailand. However, Singapore is one of the countries that could stay for 30 days without an entry visa, but must obtain an entry stamp on their passports. The disadvantage of Thailands employment regulation is that it is time consuming, expensive and has a tedious amount of paperwork. Economic Following the constant tremors in the economy in 2008 and late 2011’s Euro crisis, Thailand has suffered duly in retrospect. With a staggering 41.06% debt of Thailand’s total GDP January this year and an additional 2 trillion baht for the beginning of next year (Good only at borrowing jibe haunts Pheu Thai Party, 2012), the country has much to recover from. The nation’s currency, Thai baht, has also taken a beating from the economic crisis in 2008 and 2011, falling from a high of 43.6 baht in 2002 to 29.44 baht per 1 USD today. However, it is to be noted that Thailand has come a long way since its third world country days back in the 90s. It has reduced its poverty by a third, from 27% in 1997 to 9.8% in 2002, and even has a health care policy which covers approximately 70% of its citizens (Data Thailand). Countries surrounding Thailand portray a mixed basket of economy statuses. With Myanmar slowly opening its doors to foreign investors, and Malaysia running a high risk of going into debt (Budget 2013 proof Malaysia falling into debt crisis as income slows, says MP, 2012), Thailand has to weigh its opportunities and costs with great consideration in order to maximize its potential in this crisis-stricken economy. Social/Cultural Buddhism is the main religion in Thailand (about 85%) and it greatly influences the Thais’ working attitude such as respect and politeness, forgiving and thoughtfulness. Respect is also reflected in the country’s monarchy system with military-dominated hierarchy present in both the society and workplace (Bi, 2012). In addition to their religious beliefs, modern Thais also display patience and hospitality at work emphasizing positive outlook. Thais prefer to work in a group, with ample time for completion in social environment; isolating them will lead to stress and discomfort. They have great respect for age and authority, preferring obedience and tolerance to conflict (Gross, 2001). Thai cooking is under the influence from the Chinese from southern China, Indians nearby and Malays from the south; the main dietary staple is rice. Due to the social nature and friendliness of Thai people, dishes are shared and enjoyed together. They love to eat in groups and eating alone is considered bad luck. Thais are known to take 7 meals a day; besides breakfast, lunch and dinner, they ‘snack’ a lot, savouring snacks along roadside or marketplaces anytime. Bread is becoming popular due its convenience. Baked products are expecting an annual growth of 5-6% (Jitpleecheep, 2012). Technology According to Internet World Stats, Thailand is ranked 9th in 2011 amongst countries in Asia, in terms of number of Internet users. Currently the population of Thailand is at 66.7 million; the country has an Internet penetration rate of approximately 31%, which amounts to 20.7 million in 2011 (Singapore Management University, 2012). There is a growing percentage of advertising spend with more large firms diverting a proportion of their advertising budgets to online advertising (Appendix B). Amongst the Asia-Pacific countries, businesses in Thailand are relatively active on social media channels (Kemp, 2012). As enterprises tap on social media for their business, they play on the personal touch factor that social media is able to achieve. Social media inspires and influence the behavior of Internet users, such as purchasing a product, by stimulating and attracting them to participate in online activities (New Media Trend Watch, 2012). This participation makes the purchasing process more personalized, hence increases sales. Thus, if BreadTalk intend to increase their sales in the FB industry in Thailand, they could make use of the developing social media platforms to aid in publicising the brand and its products (MVF GLOBAL, 2012). In this case, it would be more effective and they can reach to a wider audience too, bringing BreadTalk to greater heights. Environment The Thai Government has been focusing on the social and economic development for the past 35 years. Nevertheless, over the past decade Thailand has been increasingly threatened by the problems of industrial waste, hazardous wastes, natural resources degradation and water pollution (Thailand Info : Economy, 2008). Thailand has been suffering the threat of floods in the recent years. This has caused a dip in their production of rice-their staple and in their tourism industry. During the times of floods, there was a scarcity of food supplies. According to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Thailand (MNRE), since 1992 the Government has made protecting the environment one of its top priorities. Thailand can be described as a tropical and humid country throughout the year. They claim to have only two seasons, the wet and dry. The summer extends from March to June with a temperature of 320 C to 360 C and monsoon extends from July to October with temperatures averaging around 290 C (The Global Climate Change Regime, 2012). This climate is suitable for BreadTalk. The process of fermentation and baking of various types of breads needs a tropical environment. Extreme weathers would change the uniformity of the ‘raising process’ for the bread and its fermentation process. External analysis: Industry Related Porter’s 5 forces Threat of new entrants (HIGH) The threat of new entrants is high as barriers of entry are low due to the little regulations from the government, the low capital outlay as compared to other industries, low Research and Development costs, and it is likely a highly profitable market. Also, because food has always been popular with people, and people are always looking for something new and fresh, many food joints have been opening, resulting in high amount of entry candidates. What attracts consumers is the variety of food being offered, therefore BreadTalk can consider widening their variety of breads, or by coming up with new flavors seasonally so as to stay competitive with the new entrants. Bargaining power of customers (HIGH) Customers have a generally strong bargaining power due to the high competition in the Food Beverage (FB) industry. Should customers not be satisfied with BreadTalk’s provision of goods and services, they have the power to boycott and purchase from a different provider, causing huge losses to the company. BreadTalk has to constantly update itself on customers’ tastes and preferences to better cater to their needs. It should also focus on hearing what consumers have to say, to be able to meet consumers’ expectations. Bargaining power of supplier (LOW) The overall bargaining power of suppliers for the FB industry is usually low due to the similar quality of the products. Bulk purchases lead to economies of scale, further bring down the prices of the supplies. Suppliers of these FB ingredients are in abundance; many in the market that lead to price competition. However, the bargaining power of the suppliers may escalate due to climatic influence that may cause shortages in the supplies; the supplier may then choose to work with companies who are willing to pay more. BreadTalk has its advantage over the suppliers, as the ingredients and packaging material are normal goods that are available from many suppliers. Threat of substitutes (HIGH) The Food and Beverage market has a big industry span and goes a long way back into history, therefore the risk of substitutes for food is actually very high (Aswe Travel, 2011). The food vendors must take note of mutual substitution. Congruently for bread-wise, there is no need for customers to consume them, especially in Thailand where its unique food culture provides various alternatives like rice and noodles that can fulfill the same purpose altogether (Aswe Travel, 2011). Thus, there is a certain level of risk for BreadTalk’s expansion and they need to tackle into the eating habits of the population, in order to win them over. Overall, there is a high threat of substitutes in Thailand for BreadTalk. Competitive rivalry – price war, elasticity within the bread industry (HIGH) The Food and Beverage industry normally experiences intense competition. The bakery market in Thailand is increasingly growing since bread can be favored as substitute for rice. In the meantime, competitors may want to get advantage of this growing trend. With growing urbanization in Thailand, now comprising of 33% of the total population have been observed to move away from traditional open air markets to retail stores (Exporter Guide THAILAND FOOD BEVERAGE Market Profile, 2011). The competitors in this industry for BreadTalk can be roughly categorized into Cafà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s Coffee shops, in-store shops in restaurants and hotels and open-air wet/flea markets. Recently over the past 5 years, there is an emergence of regional cafà © come bakery concept (Exporter Guide THAILAND FOOD BEVERAGE Market Profile, 2011). The main competitors of BreadTalk in Thailand are Ka-nom, U-Bake, Pee Pee Bakery and The Human Bakery. An analysis of the Porters’ 5 Forces reflected that despite the overall competition for BreadTalk within the industry being strong, BreadTalk is still able to sustain and achieve above average profitability due to the following: Turbulences Complexity BreadTalk is positioned at the â€Å"Moderately Complex Environment† due to the wide range of products and competitive substitutes available but low interconnectedness among the products, markets and competitors; the bakery market in Thailand is relatively small (Appendix C). Dynamism FB industry in Thailand is generally low dynamism and is said to be in a â€Å"static environment’; the intensity and frequency of change is minimal and not drastic for this industry (Appendix D). Predictability Besides the normal business cycle, other influences such as natural disaster eg flood and drought caused the environment to be unpredictable. Despite this influence, tourism is still picking up (ranking 39 in 2009 and 42 in 2008 (Blanke Chiesa, 2009)) and growth of private investment is healthy (East Asia Pacific Economic Update Navigating Turbulence, Sustaining Growth, 2011). Internal analysis: BreadTalk Strategic Competitive Advantage Consistent with the company business strategy, BreadTalk continues to seek competitive advantages (Loh, 2011) based on their unique: BreadTalk is consistently pushing out new products and upgrading of retail space to enhance customers’ experience. Their innovative achievement is strongly supported from top management to front-liners, starting from strategic planning by the top management, support from staff and feedback from customers, high quality control baking process and release of new products frequently. SWOT Analysis With the above analysis on the external and internal environment, the following SWOT is identified and a summary attached in Appendix E: Strengths BreadTalk has the capacity of preparing the raw material (dough) for all the outlets ensuring strict quality control and a team of innovative designer taking care of new product design and customer experience. Its unique branding and concept attract customers giving them new snacking experience at convenient locations. Weaknesses There is limited sales and marketing effort in place for BreadTalk leading to low brand awareness and no loyal customer base. Allocating 20% adaptation to local food culture may not be sufficient for the Thailand. Opportunities Increase in tourism business boost the growth of FB sector and Thailand being ranked no. 13 out of 133 countries who are like foreign visitors, is adjusting to accommodate the foreign visitors’ likes and dislikes (Blanke Chiesa, 2009).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Stress in the Police Force: Causes and Effects

Stress in the Police Force: Causes and Effects Abstract This paper discusses police and the stress they deal with on a daily basis. It goes in depth on the negative issues of stress on police officers, the causes of stress and how stress can be managed. Lastly, this paper concludes that in order to have successful officers in our community we must address the significance of stress.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stress is a term used by many, but it is often misunderstood. Parker (2006) describes stress as physical and mental responses between personal experience and expectations. There is positive stress which helps improve athletic performance due to motivation that causes people to feel competitive, but generally stress is associated with negativity. Stress can be defined as the bodies reaction to internal and external stimuli that disrupts the bodies normal state. Stress normally upsets the normal state. The stimuli that causes stress can be physical, mental, or emotional. The body has to react to stressful situations which are called the flight-or-fight response and the body’s subconscious decision is critical for law enforcement officers.   Officer’s initial reaction to an incident cannot be to run away from it they must run to it because it is there duty and citizens are relying on them. However, stress can weaken and disturb the bodys defense mechanisms and may play a role in developing hypertension, ulcers, cardiovascular disease, and possibly even cancer. Stress alone does not cause sickness but it is a contributing factor to the development of certain illnesses. This can be very detrimental to a police officer’s career and wellbeing. So it becomes critical that we analyze the leading factors in stress for cops and find out how it can be combatted to make a better more sustainable police force.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Overview of Stress in law Enforcement  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Law enforcement officers deal with four categories of stress which are external, organizational, personal, and operational. Eternal stressed is caused by real dangers that officers face outside of the office. These dangers can be found at every single traffic stop they make no matter how routine it is. There is always that unknown factor that causes them to stress. Organizational stress on officers comes from the military like structure within the department. This can include the strange hours and the constant changing duties for the officers. Personal stress is produced from interpersonal relationships within the department. This can come from relationships with other officers or with your superiors. Finally, operational stress comes from the daily confrontation of bad things. This can include officers dealing with criminals or looking at deaths. This creates stress for them. There is not just one way that will cause an officer to stress, instead there are multiple different facotrs that lead to officer stress. Therefore, multiple different approaches need to be taken in order to reduce thesed stress levels and produce and better law enforcement officer.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚   Negative Outcomes of Stress Work related factors that lead to increased stress in officers are: risky situations, organizational stress, and shift work. All of these stress catalysts can take a toll on police officers and can eventually negatively change their work performance. There are all sorts of way that officers cope with their stress levels and the majority of them are self-destructive and prove to be detrimental to their career. These can be harmful not only the individual officer but also the community in which they are serving. According to A National Institute of Justice report some other consequences of being a police officer that causes stress are cynicism and suspiciousness, emotional detachment from aspects of daily life, reduced efficiency, absenteeism and early retirement, excessive aggressiveness, alcoholism and other substance abuse problems, marital or other family problems, posttraumatic stress disorder, and suicide (Dempsy, Forst, 2016, p. 174). There are also specific health issues such a s heart attacks, ulcers, weight gain, and other health problems. An early study 2,300 police officers in 20 U.S. police departments revealed that 37% had serious marital problems, 36% had health problems, 23% had alcohol problems, 20% had problems with their children, and 10% had drug problems (Dempsy, Forst, 2016, p. 174-175). Stress commonly leads to family issues, fatigue and alcoholism. The prolonged effects of stress are very damaging to a human being. A study was done on the police officers in Buffalo, New York to see if stressors related to on the job work correlated with long-term physical and mental health. The study was prompted by the assumption that the high demands and exposure to human misery and death has a connection between obesity, suicide, sleeplessness and cancer (Goldbaum, 2012).  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Causes of Stress According to Waters & Ussery (2007), Police officers put themselves in many different dangerous situations on a daily basis and even a routine traffic stop can potentially lead to a fight for their life. Police officers constantly are dealing with people throughout their work day and not everyone they come in contact with are in a stable state of mind. The unknown factor is one of the hardest for police officers to get past because they don’t know anything about the individual they are about to come in contact with or how they view the police. For example, members of the Hmong community are going to react much differently to an officer approaching them than an old white lady. Another extremely dangerous and difficult job that officers deal with are people on drugs like alcohol or PCP. When a person is high on PCP they lose their pain threshold and become almost superhuman. It can take a while for an officer to identify what drug a person is on and it creates increased stress a s they are tensing up ready for anything. Officers cannot allow themselves to relax while they are on duty and the constant life or death situations can take a toll on any person’s mental state and induce stress. Stinchcomb (2004) states that another stress police officers have is organizational stress. Police officers deal with life threatening situations and traumatic encounters, but are also required to fill out paperwork and make sure their deskwork duties get completed as well as everything else. Organizational problems can stem from an organization becoming too centralized. Law enforcement departments must be sure to include lower ranked officers in the decision making process. They must feel like a contributing factor tio the department and not just a pawn. An additional organizational stress example is officers trying to take work time off during the holidays. Since police departments run 24/7 365 days of the year officers must make sacrifices and work on holidays lik e Christmas even if this means they miss seeing their family. However, this can be a great cause of stress for many officers especially the family orientated ones. It becomes stressful trying to make sure you have the day off or the officer with the youngest kids has the day to be with the family. The stress can be compounded to by outside forces such as your wife harassing you about not being home with the family enough. Often overlooked, organizational stress is can easily become a silent killer for many officers. Another factor that contribute to police stress is their rotating shift work. Shift work is described as the â€Å"regular† (non-overtime) employment hours outside of the general 7am to 6pm working interval. According to Waters & Ussery (2007), studies have shown that most shift workers only get approximately seven hours of sleep or less than those who work normal hours and average about five and a half hours of sleep a night. It is no secret that police officers work unusual shifts. Since officers are assigned shifts based upon seniority, newer officers generally have to work less than desirable work hours. That combined with the pressure of the demanding new job can be extremely harmful for young men and women in the profession. Waters & Ussery (2007) also state that rotating shift work is an added stress for police officers because once they start getting used to a certain sleep pattern, they are forced to re-adjust to a different time. Changing sleep patterns can add stres s to an officer’s already stressful life and can have both physical and psychological effects on officers. Also, court dates can interfere with an officer’s sleep schedule because court is hearings are during the day. So an officer that works graveyards and sleeps during the day is forced to stay awake and can suffer from sleep deprivation. The lack of sleep like many know can cause mood swings and change a person’s attitude. The profession of a police officer can often involve long hours. Fatigue and sleep loss are crucial in regular functions of how officers’ bodies run. While on the job, officers remain in their cars to watch for possible dangers. Krause (2012) references vigilance and fatigue becoming a problem when the police tasks are extended for long periods of time because it can reduce attention and alertness while raising stress levels. Sleep deprivation in comparable to excessive drinking and has the same effects. A sleep deprivation study sho wed that not sleeping for seventeen hours impaired a person’s motor skills to a person who has a blood alcohol level of .05 percent (Amenodola et. al., 2011). Officers that are fatigued tend to have more work related accidents. According to the National Institute of Justice, research has showed that fatigued officers use more sick leave, are more likely to use inappropriate force more frequently, more likely to be involved in a vehicle accident, and also have a higher likelihood of dying in the line of duty (Amenodola et. al., 2011).     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Stress Management Stress is an unavoidable aspect of law enforcement but there are numerous ways to manage it successfully in order to have a long and prosperous career that ends in a healthy retirement. One way police officers can reduce stress is by making sure they are not fatigued which means making sure they get enough rest. Police departments need to promote 10 hour work shifts nationwide instead of 12 hour shifts. There also needs to be plenty of swing shift coverage so officers can get off when they are scheduled. If there were policies or programs implemented in police organizations to recognize the dangers of fatigue on the job it could lead to healthier officers. To help with officer stress levels there are early intervention systems that monitor the performance of officers and based off various factors officers can be identified for an intervention (Walker, 2011). Management would be able to identify the level of fatigue an officer could have and schedule accordingly. Dennis (2007) suggest s having managers limit the number of hours officers work within a 24 hour period and being able to set a max hour limit to avoid overtime. Both of these are important for an officer’s fatigue because it will create set schedules so police can prepare accordingly. Improvement on scheduling programs can be beneficial with agencies to help maintain officers at a well-functioning level. There is no way to completely eliminate stress, but one way to reduce it is by working out and taking care of their bodies. According to Anxiety and Association of America (ADAA), working out is very effective at reducing fatigue, improving alertness and concentration, and at enhancing overall cognitive function. This can be especially helpful when stress has depleted your energy or ability to concentrate. â€Å"Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-est eem. Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects† ( Other benefits of exercising are that it pumps up your endorphins and focusing on a single task can be calming and clear the mind from the days stresses. According to the American Academy of Experts in Traumatic Stress, Critical Incident Stress Debriefing (CISD) is available for law enforcement officers to participate in. The structure of a CISD usually consists of the presence of   Ã¢â‚¬Å"one or more mental health professionals and one or more peer debriefs, i.e. fellow police officers or emergency service workers who have been trained in the CISD process and who may have been through critical incidents and debriefings themselves.† A typical debriefing takes place within twenty-four to seventy-two hours after the critical incident, and consists of a single group meeting that last approximately two-three hours, although shorter or longer meetings are determined by circumstances ( CISD consists of seven standard phases to help the officer cope with whatever traumatic incident he/she has been through in an effort to handle the stress before it negatively effects them. Although stress is unavoidable in some circumstance there are ways to prevent chronic stress. Police officers can change their lifestyle in order to manage their personal stress. They can try to avoid using alcohol and nicotine as coping mechanisms of stress. These factors can actually contribute to stress. A better diet and exercising can be beneficial by improving the resilience of the body and mind to stressful situations. Also, limiting your duty work hours to no more than twelve hours a day can help manage stress as well as talking about emotions to process what has been seen and done (Dennis 2007). References Amenodola, K., Weisburd, D., Jones, G., & Slipka, M. (2011). Police Foundation. Retrieved April 1, 2017, from Dempsey, J. S., & Forst, L. S. (2016).  An introduction to policing. Boston, MA, USA: Cengage    Learning. Dennis, L. (2007, August). Police fatigue: an accident waiting to happen. PsycEXTRA Dataset. Goldbaum, E. (2012, July 9). Police officer stress creates significant health risks. States News Service.    Home | Anxiety and Depression Association of America, ADAA. (n.d.). Retrieved April 3, 2017,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   from Law Enforcement Traumatic Stress: Clinical Syndromes and Intervention Strategies. (n.d.). Retrieved April 3, 2017, from Parker, H. (2006). Stress management. Delhi, IN: Global media. Stinchcomb, J. (2004). Searching for stress in all the wrong places: Combating chronic organizational stressors in policing. Police Practice & Research, 5(3), 259-277. Waters, J.A., & Ussery, W. (2007). Police stress: history, contributing factors, symptoms, and interventions. Policing, 30(2), 169-188.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Mya Angelou :: Essays Papers

Mya Angelou Toni Morrison, the first black woman to receive Nobel Prize in Literature, was born Chloe Anthony Wofford on February 18, 1931 in Lorain, Ohio, U.S.A. She was the second of four children of George Wofford, a shipyard welder and Ramah Willis Wofford. Her parents moved to Ohio from the South to escape racism and to find better opportunities in the North. Her father was a hardworking and dignified man. While the children were growing up, he worked three jobs at the same time for almost 17 years. He took a great deal of pride in the quality of his work, so that each time he welded a perfect seam he'd also weld his name onto the side of the ship. He also made sure to be well-dressed, even during the Depression. Her mother was a church-going woman and she sang in the choir. At home, Chloe heard many songs and tales of Southern black folklore. The Woffords were proud of their heritage. Lorain was a small industrial town populated with immigrant Europeans, Mexicans and Southern blacks who lived next to each other. Chloe attended an integrated school. In her first grade, she was the only black student in her class and the only one who could read. She was friends with many of her white schoolmates and did not encounter discrimination until she started dating. She hoped one day to become a dancer like her favorite ballerina, Maria Tallchief, and she also loved to read. Her early favorites were the Russian writers Tolstoy and Dostoyevski, French author Gustave Flaubert and English novelist Jane Austen. She was an excellent student and she graduated with honors from Lorain High School in 1949. Chloe Wofford then attended the prestigious Howard University in Washington, D.C., where she majored in English with a minor in classics. Since many people couldn't pronounce her first name correctly, she changed it to Toni, a shortened version of her middle name. She joined a repertory company, the Howard University Players, with whom she made several tours of the South. She saw firsthand the life of the blacks there, the life her parents had escaped by moving north. Toni Wofford graduated from Howard University in 1953 with a B.A. in English. She then attended Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, and received a master's degree in 1955. After graduating, Toni was offered a job at Texas Southern University in Houston, where she taught introductory English.

Friday, October 11, 2019

From a Game of Polo with a Headless Goat Notes Essay

Form/ Text type & Purpose: Travel writing, to inform the reader of unknown tradition and concepts and introducing various issues. Levine chooses to explore this using sports and other traditional forms of entertainment. Audience: Emma Levine does not specify her targeted audience although she hopes to appeal to travelers. Not only does she write to inform travelers, her writing style suggests that she attempts to fulfill her reader’s general interests, promoting her travels and the choices they have. Techniques: Levine generally incorporates an informative tone throughout her narrative. Her narrative draws the reader in while providing factual information to satisfy external interest in various aspects of the culture she is exploring. The extract from â€Å"A Game of Polo with a Headless Goat† also consists of a large build up where Levine experiments with first hand pessimism but also includes reassurance. The extract’s pace is changed to build tension during and after the race. Paragraph 1-3 / Build up Paragraph 1 – Optimism, author promotes her own, Yaqoob and Iqbal’s excitement. ‘We’ll open the car boot †¦ we’ll join the cars.’ à   Brief description of what will happen and Levine’s expectations. Builds immediate excitement and enthusiasm for race and the reader’s expectation of instant action. Works effectively with Paragraph 2 – Contrast in tone between â€Å"The two lads†¦suddenly fired up with enthusiasm† in which Levine narrates the creation of new enthusiasm within locals (her guides) to reflect on the reader and the rest of the paragraph Use of â€Å"eternity† – hyperbole to exaggerate impatience and derived emotions such as boredom â€Å"the only action was †¦ gazed around at us.† Hopeless tone, at the point of giving up, is a let down to the reader The contrast emphasises the climax in paragraph 7 Paragraph 3 – Alternatively, Levine builds hope and optimism in paragraph three, â€Å"coming, coming† the locals replied Line 12: â€Å"I was beginning to lose faith†¦ lads remained confident† holds elements of first hand pessimism/ loss in faith and witnessed optimism in the form of reassurance. The effect creates suspense further building the impact of the Climax. Paragraph 4 & 5 / Climactic Beginning Paragraph 4 – Climax appears as an explosion of activity Choice of diction â€Å"revved† prominent v sound creates imagery and the impression of speed. Develops the moment of frisson Change in tone from narrative to informative and factual, now not narrating their journey but provoking the reader’s interest. â€Å"The Kibla donkey is said to reach speeds of up to 40kph† â€Å"Although not cruelly† at the end of paragraph four seems out of place, this is where Levine reveals that she is conscious of her effect on travelers and corrects the imagery she has introduced. She protects the culture and the tradition in order to promote the sport and the traditions. Paragraph 5 – Change in punctuation to speed up the pace of Levine’s writing, overall generating excitement. She begins to use lists and triads (â€Å"horns tooting, bells ringing, and the special rattles used just for this purpose†) and again incorporates an informative tone in order to introduce different aspects of culture. Long, disjo inted sentences imitate the excitement, pace and disorder of the event: â€Å"men standing on top of their cars and vans† Paragraph 6 / Levine Enters Race Use of analogies like â€Å"Formula One† (fast-paced, seemingly chaotic), â€Å"City center rush hour† relates to reader and creates understanding of speed and â€Å"anarchic† disorder. Paragraph 7 Illustrates danger in order to provoke different kind of excitement, â€Å"Survival of the fittest† à   Creates a life and death situation, introduces the animal, hunt theme. Choice of diction creates a sense of importance, desperation and danger. e.g. â€Å"Depended† creates a sense of necessity Animal theme: â€Å"sharp flicks† â€Å"quick reflexes† â€Å"nerves of steel† all phrases associate with an animal during a chase or a hunt. All instinctive. â€Å"Horn† could be interpreted as a pun – car horn or animal horn/ impression of danger, competition, tension even battle â€Å"Yaqoob loved it.† Tone is enthusiastic, describing the fun, excitement. Link to ending. â€Å"Growing more colourful† Euphemistic impression of tension Paragraph 8 / End of Race Levine describes scenery to reflect the atmosphere.   Ã¢â‚¬Å"Road straightened and leveled† Tone is calmer, pace has been slowed, longer sentences, wider distribution of punctuation. Effective ending â€Å"The race was over.† Mixture of long sentences with short blunt ending implies immediate end of race and excitement. Paragraph 9 / Another Beginning â€Å"I assumed the winner was the one who completed the race but it was not seen that way by everyone.† Emphasis on alien culture and traditions, so exotic that even common reasoning differs. â€Å"Voices were raised, fists were out and tempers rising† Levine reuses lists and triads to speed up the pace, rebuild the excitement lost at the end of the race. Ending Irony, incorporated humour to reflect on the reality of the danger. Links back to â€Å"Yaqoob loved it.† Where the tone was still expressing shared enjoyment and fun, new realization and understanding is born to recreate an adapted impression of the entire extract.